Joseph Félon

drawing by Sixtine ros of Jospeh Félon

Joseph félon academic painter and sculptor Joseph Félon Bordeaux 1818 – Juan-les-pins 1896 Joseph Félon, born in Bordeaux on August 22, 1818, is a prominent figure in 19th-century French academic art. Trained by Pierre Lacour fils and apprenticed under the engraver Gaspard de Galard, Félon honed his skills in painting and engraving from a young […]

Guy Le Perse

Guy Le Perse: portrait of the artist Guy Le Perse sculpting a model

Guy le perse sculptor of the mysteries of the human soul Guy le perse Roubaix 1953 The sculptor Guy Le Perse was trained at the École Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Industries Textiles de Roubaix and at the École des Beaux-Arts de Douai. Among his mentors were the sculptor Armand Debeve, for whom he modeled […]

Amedeo Modigliani

Dessin de l'artise de l'avant garde parisienne Amedeo Modigliani dessinateur, peintre et sculpteur

Amedeo Modigliani The complete artist of the Parisian Avant-garde Amedeo Modigliani LIVOURNE 1884 – PARIS 1920 Amedeo Modigliani, an emblematic figure of the complete artist of the Parisian Bohemian scene of the 1910s, is recognized as one of the most significant artists of the early 20th-century Avant-Garde. His influence extends across his paintings, sculptures, but […]

Léon Pointu

Léon Pointu Ceramist from the Carriès school in Saint-Amand-en-Puisaye Léon Pointu FONTAINEBLEAU 1879 – SAINT-AMAND-EN-PUISAYE 1942 Léon Pointu, an Art Deco ceramist from the school of Jean Carriès in Saint-Amand-en-Puisaye, was born in 1879 in Fontainebleau, where his father, Jean Pointu, owned a ceramic factory. Thus, he grew up and received his training in an […]

Charles Malfray

Charles Malfray, sculpteur de l'école de Rodin

Charles Malfray L’irruption de la modernité dans la sculpture Charles Malfray ORLÉANS 1887 – DIJON 1940 Aristide Maillol, Charles Despiau, Robert Wlerick, Antoine Bourdelle, among others, all regarded Charles Malfray as a master sculptor. Charles Malfray, whose work sparked a scandal akin to Rodin’s Balzac, signaling a pivotal moment in 20th-century modern sculpture, was born […]